Sunday, 22 February 2015

Day Six

Day Six: Something Old.

Or somebody. Never mind. I just thought we could use a break from favourite things.

By the way, shall we continue with me posting the new subjects every day, one by one, or would you prefer me to give the whole list away straight ahead? Opinions as comments, please.


  1. No no no! absolutely not :D. Because this way, we could cheat and make more drawings in a day, or choose the words to skip. Plus, the element of surprise is important. Maybe today you feel inspired by the word, maybe not - that's the point of the challenge: to make something creative regardless.(I realize that the one who post the words has the list, but that's a necessary exception.

  2. I don' t like the idea of having a list. I really like it the way it is. One task per day. I like the surprise and the challenge to think of a picture and draw it within one day.

  3. I agree with Ileana and Scribbla, the challenge is to make smth creative spontaneously. The temptation to make works foreword will be to big with presence of full list.
    If you don't feel inspired sometimes, we can to give you a hand :)

  4. If not a list, can you put the theme at the end of the day for the next day please? or early at 7 AM because sometimes i leave early from home(computer ) and I need to know the theme so i can draw it during the morning/day; yesterday for example the theme was posted very late. Thanks :)

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  5. Ok then we'll go on like this, but I'll pull myself together and make sure the new topics are up every morning.
    Almatheya, I can send you the list if you want me to.

    1. No, I don't think you should give anyone the list - it would be unfair towards the rest. The fact that you have the list it's enough. But posting the word early in the morning is good.

    2. Sorry. I reckon I'm a bit of a slacker.

  6. Oh, sorry... I can't place my post here(( I need help))

    1. Do you want to post contributions, Tatiana? Just write new posts and label them correctly, as Emily is doing now.
